The organizers of the Tokyo Olympics, which will start in a week, have made it known that on Friday 16 July a case of coronavirus was found in the Olympic village, where the athletes are staying. The infected person arrived in Japan in recent days from abroad and is involved in organizing the Olympics, but the organizers did not want to reveal his nationality for privacy reasons. More than 40 people involved in the Olympic Games have tested positive so far, including Japanese citizens, but the latest case found was the first one inside the Olympic village.
The Olympic village
has started to fill up in recent days and in the next few days; the arrival of
most of the eleven thousand athletes who will compete from 23 July to 8 August
is expected. The 2020 Olympics,
postponed for a year due to the coronavirus
epidemic, will be held mostly without spectators and with strict security
measures to avoid the spread of infections. All athletes participating in the
Olympics undergo a daily salivary test.